Friday, April 12, 2013

I will build my church...

Mathew 16:18 says: Thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. (KJV).

The Lord in the book of Mathew said to Peter that he would build his church. My traditional concept about a church has always been a big building that was built in the city of where I grew up.  It did not take long that I discovered when I travelled in Europe and abroad and wherever else I turned that there were many so called churches and cathedrals amongst thousands of other homes in most centers of towns and cities all over the earth. At first I thought that they were replacements or copies of the tabernacle and temple that I knew from the Old Testament scriptures except for the fact that there was only one tabernacle and one temple the enlargement commissioned by God, even ever build as recorded in the Old Testament. God did not commission his people to erect more than one dwelling place. His desire and purpose is to dwell amongst His people in the midst of them from where He wants to set up His Kingdom to rule and reign over all the nations. This will become a reality and it may be not too far off in the near future during the millennial kingdom in which Christ and the overcomer will reign for a thousand years.
 In the Gospels of the New Testament we can see that when Christ came He was the replacement of the tabernacle. Later on in the book of Acts we see the replacement of the tabernacle, the temple which is the enlargement of Christ, the  Body of Christ that is the Church. In the book of revelation we see he rebuilding of the temple when the Lord comes back to rule and reign during the millennial kingdom until there is no longer a need for a tabernacle and the temple. Eventually there will be the consummation of the New Jerusalem, where God and man dwell together in oneness, in a new earth and new heavens.

From the Gospels we see a real change from the Old to the new.  God’s first begotten Son was the tabernacle of God and came to the earth to dwell amongst mankind. The apostle John said, “Behold the tabernacle of God”. God’s divine life and attributes were expressed in a man Jesus Christ who lived a human life for 33 and half years until His death on the cross. It was on the cross that his blood was shed for the redemption of mankind for by the shedding of His blood we receive the forgiveness of our sins.  Furthermore through his death, the divine life was released as resurrection life and He begot many children of God.  He was the one grain that was put into the earth to die but rose again and produced the many grains. They became his multiplication.  

Christ’s divine Life has been released and He overcame death and ascended and descended upon the earth as we see in the book of Acts. It is here in the book of Acts that we see the Church come into existence, grow and develop. It was the first local church, the church in Jerusalem. His Spirit and life were poured out upon and within his believers and whosoever received Him became part of the Body of Christ, His enlargement as the temple of God. People were baptized into the reality of Christ, or the Spirit of Christ directly and all became members of His Body to be a corporate dwelling place as the temple of God.

From then onward we see the believers meeting from home to home and continuing in the fellowship of the apostles. This fellowship of the apostles is the fellowship of the Father, Son and Spirit and is now also still working and operating within our being. Paul the apostle was one of the apostles and upon receiving the Divine Life by the Spirit of Christ he and many others travelled freely all over Europe to baptise, immerse people into the reality of Christ, the Spirit of Christ. The Spirit of Christ or the anointed one, the Messiah moved freely within and trough the believers among both Jews and Gentiles.  The anointed One as the Spirit immersing  many people of all nations into the reality of the Body of Christ establishing many local churches in cities all over the earth.  The anointing is still operating within many churches today! The Church is the enlargement by the building work of the anointing One from within.  

Once many local churches were established in cities such as Rome, Corinth, Ephesus, Philipy etc...  many faithful ones who were filled with the anointing travelled further, even reaching all continents around the globe, further baptizing and immersing many into the reality of the Body of Christ. It is in this simple way that the Christ, the anointed one is spreading, building and establishing local churches, local expressions in many cities all over the earth.  Christ Himself as the anointing is spreiding as the Spirit in many places and cities today. There is still only One Church universally but it is expressed in many cities locally. We need to ask ourselves are we truly in the Church? Are we regenerated as millions of believers have been and still are today? Are we truly in the process of being built into the one unique Body of Christ to be One Holy Temple for His expression universally and locally? Or are we simply maintaining our religious traditions and hoping one day to see God?  We should not wait for that because the anointing is leading many people to salvation every day who all partake of Him daily by enjoying Him as the Lamb of God that was slain and as the life giving Spirit that regenerates, renews and transforms us to become the many sons of God in Life and nature but not in the God head.
Christ is the Head of the Church and we are the many members of His Body. We become living stones that are being built into a spiritual house as Peter pointed out in his epistles and we are built into a corporate dwelling place not made by hands but by the Spirit of Christ, the anointed one, the messiah who died and rose from the death to dispense the Life of God into us daily with all its riches and attributes.
Today there are many false prophets, especially all those who claim to be ministers for God without possessing the anointing or the reality of Christ. Anyone who has not the Spirit of Christ is not of Christ and has no part in the building work of Christ and the Church. The gates of hades have tried to prevail in vain!  It is Christ Himself who is building His Church by means imparting Himself into all those who have been regenerated , renewed, transformed  until the Life of Christ is being perfected and becomes manifested from within them. They in turn become gifts to the Body as apostles, evangelists, shepherds and teachers for the perfecting of the Saint unto the building up of the Body of Christ, the Church in many cities allover the earth. May the Lord have mercy upon us and open our eyes to see the salvation of Christ, the one who died and lives and imparts Himself into us as life and grace daily. The love of God, the Grace of Christ and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all. Amen.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Two simple things....

Praise the Lord….

This morning at the meeting we were encouraged to praise the Lord with not only our spirit but also our whole being, our heart, mind, emotion and will.  It struck a chord within me and reminded me on the verses in Mathew 22:37 -40 that the foremost commandment is to love the Lord our God with all our heart, soul and spirit and secondly to love our neighbour as ourselves. By doing these two things we fulfill all the law and the commandments. Life would be so simple and love would prevail amongst all mankind if only we keep these two commandments.

This morning at our meeting with the Saints, I was glad to be reminded to exercise my mind, emotion and will and to praise the Lord from whom all blessings flow. All the blessings we receive spontaneously whenever we call upon His name and sing praises to our God.  

Many times, especially on the weekends when we gather together to worship the Lord our God we merely open our mouths to praise him. Our minds are off somewhere in another space at times and we consider all the things that we should have done right from wrong over the past days, weeks and months. The enemy even helps us in this matter and accuses us in our mind that we are not worthy to open our hearts to the Lord to utter a praises for all the things He has accomplished.  Things  such as saving us by regeneration, renewing us daily by the infilling of His Holy Spirit,  transforming us according to His will or heart’s desire  and making us one with Him according to His own image and likeness to express Him and carry out His dominion in whatever place we reside.

For me, it does not take much to deny the lies of Satan that prevents me from opening from deep within. The blood of Christ that was shed on the cross for our redemption still is effective since it has eternal power to wash and cleanse us from every sin.  What a joy to claim the cleansing of the blood of Christ that was shed on the cross for our sins or shortcomings to overcome the accusations of the enemy that come into our mind. By applying the blood in prayer we sense the washing of the blood as the Spirit cleanses us afresh from everything that keeps us down.  It does not take long before we can open up to Him in praises and songs for all the accomplishments that are fully unveiled to us when apply the blood and fully open up our hearts to Him. Whenever our heart turns to the Lord the veils are taken away and we all enter into the joy of the Lord with all the other believers to fully enjoy the fullness of God in Christ as the flowing Spirit that saturate our mind, emotion and will. Corporately we uttered praises to the Lord our God and all entered into the joy of the Lord.

Our meeting was greatly uplifted and we all loved the Lord our God with our whole being, our heart, soul and spirit. Furthermore I realized that once we enter into such a reality, the love of God abides in us, enabling us  to love our neighbours as even as ourselves. Amen.