Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Another beautiful day in paradise....

Many times I hear people say, "Another beautiful day in Paradise".  People think that paradise is a physical realm that we enjoy and where we have our being.  When we look around us today and more so when we look at the world as a whole, most of us will agree that there is not  much hope for a place that we can call paradise. Although we may have reached a pinnacle in our personal or professional  live there is much more to consider before we can enter into such a reality.

 In Luke 23:43 it tell us that there is such a place, a place where we will enter once we die, just as the person who died beside Jesus on the cross. But we should not wait until we die, rather in 2Corinthians 12:4  Paul pointed out that one person he knew entered into such a realm, even when he was alive.

Furthermore in the book of Revelation  we see the overcomers in the churches, which have been and still are and exist today. Those who partake of the tree of life in the midst of the paradise of God. Praise the Lord for the churches where we can partake of the tree of Life in the midst of the paradise of God, today!

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