Friday, April 12, 2013

I will build my church...

Mathew 16:18 says: Thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. (KJV).

The Lord in the book of Mathew said to Peter that he would build his church. My traditional concept about a church has always been a big building that was built in the city of where I grew up.  It did not take long that I discovered when I travelled in Europe and abroad and wherever else I turned that there were many so called churches and cathedrals amongst thousands of other homes in most centers of towns and cities all over the earth. At first I thought that they were replacements or copies of the tabernacle and temple that I knew from the Old Testament scriptures except for the fact that there was only one tabernacle and one temple the enlargement commissioned by God, even ever build as recorded in the Old Testament. God did not commission his people to erect more than one dwelling place. His desire and purpose is to dwell amongst His people in the midst of them from where He wants to set up His Kingdom to rule and reign over all the nations. This will become a reality and it may be not too far off in the near future during the millennial kingdom in which Christ and the overcomer will reign for a thousand years.
 In the Gospels of the New Testament we can see that when Christ came He was the replacement of the tabernacle. Later on in the book of Acts we see the replacement of the tabernacle, the temple which is the enlargement of Christ, the  Body of Christ that is the Church. In the book of revelation we see he rebuilding of the temple when the Lord comes back to rule and reign during the millennial kingdom until there is no longer a need for a tabernacle and the temple. Eventually there will be the consummation of the New Jerusalem, where God and man dwell together in oneness, in a new earth and new heavens.

From the Gospels we see a real change from the Old to the new.  God’s first begotten Son was the tabernacle of God and came to the earth to dwell amongst mankind. The apostle John said, “Behold the tabernacle of God”. God’s divine life and attributes were expressed in a man Jesus Christ who lived a human life for 33 and half years until His death on the cross. It was on the cross that his blood was shed for the redemption of mankind for by the shedding of His blood we receive the forgiveness of our sins.  Furthermore through his death, the divine life was released as resurrection life and He begot many children of God.  He was the one grain that was put into the earth to die but rose again and produced the many grains. They became his multiplication.  

Christ’s divine Life has been released and He overcame death and ascended and descended upon the earth as we see in the book of Acts. It is here in the book of Acts that we see the Church come into existence, grow and develop. It was the first local church, the church in Jerusalem. His Spirit and life were poured out upon and within his believers and whosoever received Him became part of the Body of Christ, His enlargement as the temple of God. People were baptized into the reality of Christ, or the Spirit of Christ directly and all became members of His Body to be a corporate dwelling place as the temple of God.

From then onward we see the believers meeting from home to home and continuing in the fellowship of the apostles. This fellowship of the apostles is the fellowship of the Father, Son and Spirit and is now also still working and operating within our being. Paul the apostle was one of the apostles and upon receiving the Divine Life by the Spirit of Christ he and many others travelled freely all over Europe to baptise, immerse people into the reality of Christ, the Spirit of Christ. The Spirit of Christ or the anointed one, the Messiah moved freely within and trough the believers among both Jews and Gentiles.  The anointed One as the Spirit immersing  many people of all nations into the reality of the Body of Christ establishing many local churches in cities all over the earth.  The anointing is still operating within many churches today! The Church is the enlargement by the building work of the anointing One from within.  

Once many local churches were established in cities such as Rome, Corinth, Ephesus, Philipy etc...  many faithful ones who were filled with the anointing travelled further, even reaching all continents around the globe, further baptizing and immersing many into the reality of the Body of Christ. It is in this simple way that the Christ, the anointed one is spreading, building and establishing local churches, local expressions in many cities all over the earth.  Christ Himself as the anointing is spreiding as the Spirit in many places and cities today. There is still only One Church universally but it is expressed in many cities locally. We need to ask ourselves are we truly in the Church? Are we regenerated as millions of believers have been and still are today? Are we truly in the process of being built into the one unique Body of Christ to be One Holy Temple for His expression universally and locally? Or are we simply maintaining our religious traditions and hoping one day to see God?  We should not wait for that because the anointing is leading many people to salvation every day who all partake of Him daily by enjoying Him as the Lamb of God that was slain and as the life giving Spirit that regenerates, renews and transforms us to become the many sons of God in Life and nature but not in the God head.
Christ is the Head of the Church and we are the many members of His Body. We become living stones that are being built into a spiritual house as Peter pointed out in his epistles and we are built into a corporate dwelling place not made by hands but by the Spirit of Christ, the anointed one, the messiah who died and rose from the death to dispense the Life of God into us daily with all its riches and attributes.
Today there are many false prophets, especially all those who claim to be ministers for God without possessing the anointing or the reality of Christ. Anyone who has not the Spirit of Christ is not of Christ and has no part in the building work of Christ and the Church. The gates of hades have tried to prevail in vain!  It is Christ Himself who is building His Church by means imparting Himself into all those who have been regenerated , renewed, transformed  until the Life of Christ is being perfected and becomes manifested from within them. They in turn become gifts to the Body as apostles, evangelists, shepherds and teachers for the perfecting of the Saint unto the building up of the Body of Christ, the Church in many cities allover the earth. May the Lord have mercy upon us and open our eyes to see the salvation of Christ, the one who died and lives and imparts Himself into us as life and grace daily. The love of God, the Grace of Christ and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all. Amen.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Two simple things....

Praise the Lord….

This morning at the meeting we were encouraged to praise the Lord with not only our spirit but also our whole being, our heart, mind, emotion and will.  It struck a chord within me and reminded me on the verses in Mathew 22:37 -40 that the foremost commandment is to love the Lord our God with all our heart, soul and spirit and secondly to love our neighbour as ourselves. By doing these two things we fulfill all the law and the commandments. Life would be so simple and love would prevail amongst all mankind if only we keep these two commandments.

This morning at our meeting with the Saints, I was glad to be reminded to exercise my mind, emotion and will and to praise the Lord from whom all blessings flow. All the blessings we receive spontaneously whenever we call upon His name and sing praises to our God.  

Many times, especially on the weekends when we gather together to worship the Lord our God we merely open our mouths to praise him. Our minds are off somewhere in another space at times and we consider all the things that we should have done right from wrong over the past days, weeks and months. The enemy even helps us in this matter and accuses us in our mind that we are not worthy to open our hearts to the Lord to utter a praises for all the things He has accomplished.  Things  such as saving us by regeneration, renewing us daily by the infilling of His Holy Spirit,  transforming us according to His will or heart’s desire  and making us one with Him according to His own image and likeness to express Him and carry out His dominion in whatever place we reside.

For me, it does not take much to deny the lies of Satan that prevents me from opening from deep within. The blood of Christ that was shed on the cross for our redemption still is effective since it has eternal power to wash and cleanse us from every sin.  What a joy to claim the cleansing of the blood of Christ that was shed on the cross for our sins or shortcomings to overcome the accusations of the enemy that come into our mind. By applying the blood in prayer we sense the washing of the blood as the Spirit cleanses us afresh from everything that keeps us down.  It does not take long before we can open up to Him in praises and songs for all the accomplishments that are fully unveiled to us when apply the blood and fully open up our hearts to Him. Whenever our heart turns to the Lord the veils are taken away and we all enter into the joy of the Lord with all the other believers to fully enjoy the fullness of God in Christ as the flowing Spirit that saturate our mind, emotion and will. Corporately we uttered praises to the Lord our God and all entered into the joy of the Lord.

Our meeting was greatly uplifted and we all loved the Lord our God with our whole being, our heart, soul and spirit. Furthermore I realized that once we enter into such a reality, the love of God abides in us, enabling us  to love our neighbours as even as ourselves. Amen.

Thursday, March 21, 2013


Praise the Lord for Faith....
Hebrews 11:1 says that Faith is the substantiation of the things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. Many people are born with a particular religion and base their faith on the objective teaching, practices and rituals that have been passed on to them since birth.  The Apostle Paul was a good example for he was one of the foremost leaders in the Hebrew religion. He  zealously defended his faith and arrested many believers who lived contrary to what he was taught and practiced. It was only when he met Christ, the anointed, as a shining light on the road to Damascus that he was converted. It was by a baptism or immersion into the Holy Spirit.

From that day onward Paul changed course regarding his faith, because he had received a personal revelation regarding  the substantiation and realization of the reality of the Spirit of Christ within his being.  A little later he followed the same course of those whom he formerly persecuted. Christians who previously also had had the same realization upon been baptized and immersed into the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost. What a change had been wrought in Paul's life and what an assurance of better things that were to come. Paul being a Hebrew was turned upside down regarding his former belief system, especially after receiving  a subjective revelation or substantiation of the things hoped for, the conviction of things  not seen.

It was not long after upon having received the Holy Spirit that he no longer cared about the outward forms and doctrines of his former religion. From his later writings we can see that he only cared for the Spirit of reality that was now real and substantiated into his mind, emotion and will. Paul's natural zeal was not diminished neither, but actually increased since He had been chosen and anointed by Christ himself to proclaim the message of salvation to the Gentile Nations baptizing or immersing them into One Spirit, One Body for Christ corporate expression allover the earth.

 In Acts chapter nine, when he met the anointed one, the Lord said," Saul, Saul why are you persecuting Me? Saul answered "Who are You Lord?" and Jesus answered and said," I am Jesus whom you persecute". He had no realization that in fact he was persecuting the Body of Christ. It was here that he received a further revelation of the Body of Christ.

Paul first received a personal revelation of the Christ as the anointing subjectively. The Greek word for the anointed is Christos and the English name is Christ, moreover the anointed in Hebrew is Messiah. Many people today believe in Christ and the Messiah yet there faith is still based upon a mere objective knowledge. Unless we enter into a subjective experience of Christ we only know and have the outward teaching or dogma regarding Christ. The fact is that the Messiah, Christos,Christ, or the anointed one is already here. Acts 2:4 tells us that on the day of Pentecost when the believers were gathered together they were all filled with the Holy Spirit. The Spirit of Christ  had descended upon and within them and that was the beginning of the Church, the Body of Christ.

We should not wait for Christ or the Messiah. By simply opening our hearts to Him we can receive instantly  many blessings and have the realization of the substantiation of the things hoped for, even to the point  as Paul of becoming convicted of the all things that are related to Christ. When the heart  turns to the Lord, the veils are taken away and the anointing makes itself at  home into our hearts. It becomes real to us in a subjective way. Today's believers whether Jewish, Greek or Gentile all over this world enjoy this wonderful Christ into which they have been immersed or baptized and have become the Body of Christ.  Our Faith includes the substance of the unseen reality of Christ, the infilling of the Holy Spirit and His Body since we all have been immersed into One Body and one Spirit.

If you like to know Christ subjectively, simply pray "Lord Jesus reveal yourself to me as you did to Paul and all the other believers. Come into my heart, fill me Lord with Joy and Peace.  Fill me with your Holy  Spirit, baptize, immerse me into you Lord and fill all my heart Lord so that I can substantiate  you as the anointed One and become part of your Body, your corporate expression and dwelling place on earth.  Praise You Lord Jesus.   Amen...

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

With our first love....

Loving the Lord with our First Love…

I was impressed this week regarding the work God that He is doing in our midst, a work that is revealed in one of the many signs of the book of Revelation. There is a conclusion to everything, even in the scriptures. The book of Revelation gives us the conclusion of Gods purpose upon  earth and His intention and desires are clearly laid out for us in the last book of the bible.

 In was in the beginning of the scriptures in Genesis 3:15 after the fall of mankind, that God spoke to the serpent who deceived Eve and said that her seed would bruise his head. In Genesis we see a woman and her seed that would bruise the serpent.  At the end of the bible in the book of revelation chapter 12 we can see the woman again and a man child that will be caught up to God and to his throne and that there was a war in heaven and the old serpent that is called the devil and Satan who deceives the whole  world. He was cast to the earth and his angels were cast out of the heavens with him. Here we see the old serpent again and many partners with him, fallen angels.  The old serpent had become a dragon and the dragon persecuted the woman who gave birth to the male child and desired to devour the child. (Rev12:4) We should not think that we are alone in this universe or in this world. I  Praise the Lord for the woman who is bringing forth a man child and God who has protected her and the man-child during her persecution by the dragon, the old serpent who is cast upon the earth.

 Furthermore, Revelation 12:1 speaks of a woman clothed with the Sun and the moon underneath her feet that has a crown of 12 stars upon her head. This vision refers to God’s people on the earth, including the Old Testament and New Testament believers. The stars signify the patriarchs or forefathers of the Bible who were called by Him to express Him and to carry out His dominion over all the earth.( Genisis1:26).  The age of the moon refers to the Old Testament believers and the age of the Sun to the New Testament believers.

The believers in the New Testament became partakers of Christ who came as a great light to enlighten them. They formerly sat in darkness. All those who believe into Him and receive Him as Light become the true believers upon being Immersed or baptised into the reality of the anointing. Once enlightened regarding the true essence and divinity of God, they all become part of the woman that shines as a great light. John 1:9 says, “ that He was the true light, which enlightens every man that comes into the world”.   Furthermore  Acts 13:47 tells us that the Lord commanded the believers that they had being enlightened to become a light unto the Gentiles for the salvation of all mankind unto the ends of the earth. So the light of Christ is shining today from within the believers . They become the true testimony of Jesus in many churches that shine as lamp stands all over the earth for the salvation of whosoever believes into the true light. It is God’s will that all men should be saved and come to the full knowledge of his will. ( 1Timothy 2:4)

Furthermore  the woman is producing  a man child. It signifies  a stronger part of the majority of the believers, that all belong to the woman.  At the conclusion of the bible in Revelation  12:11, we can see the overcomers, the stronger ones who overcame Satan by the blood of the lamb, the word of their testimony and they did not love their soul life even unto death. They are the ones who truly love God with their first love, not loving this world nor the things in this world. To become the stronger ones within the woman or the man child we should be as the over comers and take the blood of Christ to be cleansed from every transgression, sin or offence of which we become aware off, especially once we have been enlightened by the light that is revealed trought the reading of His word. The light is in His Word, it is a light unto our feet that makes us to walk  worthily of our calling.
Recently I saw that in the book of  Revelation chapter two, the majority of the believers had left their first love. They simply cooled down or sat on the fence regarding the Lord and were in danger of losing Gods testimony, the expression of God manifested in the church in Ephesus, a shining  lamp stand.

The anointing or the Spirit said that they needed to repent, they needed to have a turn in their heart regarding their pitiful condition and situation.  From the word we can see that they actually committed an offence, a sin for otherwise they would not have had to repent.  Although they were zealous of good works, they labored and endured many hardships while bearing all things because of His name  (Revelation 2:2), they neglected to love the Lord with their first love.  They considered themselves to be ok, yet with the Spirit it was not ok.  Today the Lord is calling for the overcomers, to produce the man child while He is walking in the midst of the churches,  many local churches all over the earth.

Loving the Lord with our first love actually means is to give Him the preeminence in our being. The Lord reminded me regarding Saul.  King Saul was told by God to not keep any of the sheep and oxen when he conquered the good land for Gods kingdom and expression upon the earth. Saul kept the best of the sheep, but Samuel came to Saul and said that it is better to obey than sacrifice. Today many believers sacrifice many things to the Lord, yet when He speaks to them a word that He desires,  they do not obey.  Sometime the Spirit as the anointing  or the Lord within our human spirit may ask us to do something for Him. For example speak a word for him in the meeting or some loved ones and we do not obey. By doing so we do not let His light shine to those who are still in darkness regarding the purpose of his coming and his desire for all mankind to be saved and come to the full knowledge of His will.  His will is to express Himself trough a corporate people to carry out His dominion over all the whole earth that will consumate into the Millinial Kingdom and His reign for ever and ever.  I realize that we must give heed to the light that is revealed to us in His word and that is spoken to us in these days. let us not lose the shining testimony before Him upon the earth.

The Lord is calling for the overcomers today!.  Become an overcomer by keeping yourself in the light of His word and join yourself to the word according to the revelation that the anointing is showing you.  We should not let our traditions, culture, religion or any good work that is even about God and for God become a replacement that will hold us back from loving the Lord with our first love. It is only then that we will overcome and become the stronger part within the woman, the man child. The overcomers bear the true testimony of Jesus and it is in them that the enemy has no ground. They reign in life and the Spirit regulates or rules over them regarding the things He desires until He will build his Church as He promised and that is  a true testimony and expression for Him upon the earth.   

Whenever we read the scriptures we should join ourselves to the word of God. The word of God will set us free from the deception of the glory of this world and all its falsehood and usher us into the realty of God, the essence of the triune God, The Father, Son and Spirit and build us into a corporate dwelling place to shines now in the present days and forevermore.

 Let us  exercise our whole being, especially our mind to muse upon his word and understand it according to His desire and will as it is written and revealed to us from last book of the Bible, the book of Revelation. We need to continue to Love Him with our first love and practice His word as it is written. Practice the word as we see the light regarding God’s intention and desire by dropping all our concepts regarding tradition, religion, background and culture  and simply trust in Jesus the author and perfecter of our faith. Let His word speak  and dwell in us richly. And last but not least let us exercise our will to read the scriptures daily, for by doing so, we will enter into a relationship of the Spirit and life so that we can grow and mature in the divine life until all the attributes of God become real, revealed in us and expressed trough us  wherever we meet with the other believers for the perfecting of the Saints unto the building up of the Body of Christ.

Paul planted, Apollos watered and God causes the growth. Let us do all things unto God for His Good pleasure and will upon the earth as in heaven until we all rejoice with him in the heavens. Let us all become the overcomers  to bring Him back to reign and rule with Him in the coming kingdom. Praise the Lord.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Man shall not live by bread alone

I was in an English class when a teacher told me that man shall not live on bread alone. (Mathew 4:4). It was many years later when I realized that this was only half the truth and the full truth many years later finally sunk in. Many persons are always concerned about making a living including myself while I see others simply enjoying life fully depending on God who provides for their daily needs. Did the Lord not also teach us to pray for our daily bread? What about prayer? Do we ever pray, ask God for our daily bread or provisions... or are we simply depending on our own inventions, capabilities, education, social well being, family or a rich country we live in?
It was in a church meeting that the second half of the story was told to me that man shall not live on bread alone but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God. At that particular time I did not realize that I was spiritually dead, I thought everything was honky dory and live could not get any better. I lived in an opulent society, enjoying all the things mankind produced to make my life more comfortable, pleasurable and very enjoyable, except deep within there was always something missing, a hunger for reality or the joy and peace that my soul and human spirit within was longing for. While my soul  was  enjoying all the world had to offer me, spiritually  I was depressed. My mind  convinced me that I had attained everything my soul could desire and I tried to put on a happy face, yet within I was not living, void of the joy and peace that flows with a real satisfaction and enjoyment within my human spirit.

The outward material things temporarily offered me some kind of comfort, some kind of relief but never fully quenched my thirst for the reality I was looking for.  The Lord pointed out in the Gospel of John that if anyone is thirsty we should come to him and he will give us a drink, a drink of living water that quenches all our thirst. Furthermore He said that the water would flow out of us and that the water is the Spirit whom those who believe into Him will receive. (John 7:37-39).

How do we get this water or the Spirit that quenches all our thirst?. By simply opening up to Him and take in His word. He is embodied in the Word and in  His words are Spirit and Life. When we spend time in the word we truly will live and not on bread alone. When we get ourselves immersed into the reality of this Word , all our thirst is quenched and the Spirit as living water flows from into our inner being, our spirit, soul and body and quenches all our thirst.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Finish God's work

Jesus said to them, "My food is to do the will of Him who sent Me, and to finish His work.John 4:34. This verse really is very meaningful. What is the work that he came to finish?. In Genesis we can see that God created the heavens and the earth and he said that it was good. Furthermore he created mankind after his own likeness and told man to multiply and replenish the earth. Furthermore  He gave them authority to rule over the earth and all living things that were upon the earth.  God said that it was very good and rested and he was refreshed.  He took the seventh day off to enjoy his masterpiece or all the work that he just had accomplished. The heavens are created for the earth and the earth for mankind and mankind to become God's kind.

 His intention was to have a corporate man that would multiply, express Him and rule over the whole earth. God's intention was that man would rule for him on the earth and subdue everything in his dominion or Kingdom.  But it did not take long before man choose to become independent, Man disobeyed God and even left the presence of God. No longer listening to God's word but doing what whas right and evil according to their own imagination. When they left the presence of God they build cities in which to dwell and exalted themselves to the uttermost. Babel was a prime example where man did everything according to their own imagination to exalt themselves by building a tower with all their names written on to reach the heavens and challenge God.

But God did not give up and continued his work to subdue mankind and He raised up some God fearing ones to do the work that he originally started, which is to rule and reign with him on the earth and let his Kingdom come and spread on earth as it was in the heavens. It took several generations of prophets, priests and kings to accomplish what God was trying to do and eventually God gained a group of people who no longer worshipped idols but continued to maintain his testimony on earth by building a tabernacle that  eventually was replaced by the temple where God and man could meet and move upon the earth.

God's work has never ceased and continues even today. Jesus said that He come to do the will of the Father and to finish his work. He is the real high priest and king that gathered God's people into one corporate Body both Jews, Greeks and Gentiles. He not only came to work amongst them to heal the blind, lame and sick but continued to raised up many disciples who became the real priesthood and kings who eventually will finish the work of God with Christ when He comes back to rule and reign over the whole earth.

 Today there are still many who are called and chosen to carry out Gods work. All those who are born of the Spirit have entered into the kingdom of God and are God's children, having being born of the Spirit. They not only live by the Spirit but also walk by the Spirit and become the Sons of God who express him and rule for him wherever they may be.

 He said that he would build his church and that the gates of hell would not prevail against the build church. The church today is not a chapel in the air or a huge building on a hill or center of a town but the many members of the Body of Christ who are spiritually united and build in Him to express him and rule for Him wherever they are.

Christ has build, re-constituted and given some as apostles, shepherds and teachers for the perfecting of the Saints unto the building up of the Body of Christ. As the many members are being perfected they function as true priests, not merely being ordained by mankind but by having become the true representatives or ambassadors as it were for Christ upon the earth. Furthermore they rule for Him whenever they come together and pray according to the will of the Father that is being revealed to them via the Spirit of Christ or the anointing within their being.

 Are you a called one, born of the Spirit, a true representative of Christ on the earth today fulfilling the Fathers heart desire?. Are you expressing and ruling for him on the Earth as he intended you to do?
We all should ask ourselves this question to ensure that we keep on the right track to express God and rule for him which was his intention and purpose from the beginning and for what God has created you for!

 Again let us  read the scriptures for they unveil to us all the counsel of God so that we may live a peaceful and tranquil life while participating and accomplishing Gods will upon the earth as it is in heaven. Praise the Lord that he came to finish the work of the Father!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

A Stone cut out without hands....

Becoming a stone cut out without hands....

The book of Daniel chapter 2 verse 34 speaks about a stone that was cut out without hands a stone that struck the image on its feet of iron and clay, and broke it into pieces. In Daniel chapter 2 verse 35 it  goes on to say:" Then the iron, the clay, the bronze, the silver, and the gold were crushed together, and became like chaff from the summer threshing floors; the wind carried them away so that no trace of them was found. And the stone that struck the image became a great mountain and filled the whole earth.

What we see here in the book of Daniel is a prophecy regarding the great image that represents four kingdoms upon the earth. Kingdoms that even today are still prevailing upon the earth. Furthermore it speaks about a stone that is cut out without hands that struck the great image or kingdoms upon the earth. So this prophecy deals with two aspects, first the kingdoms of this world and second the stone that relates to Christ as the Stone that is gathering his people from every nation and tongue into a corporate dwelling place not made with hands but by the Spirit of Christ that is being poured out upon all those who believe and receive Him.

 On the one hand, today many people, nations, tribes, including ourselves pay much attention to the first aspect of this prophecy and sometime we get bombarded with the latest news about the great image that relates to the kingdoms of this world  including all the world events that have taken place over the past centuries.  On the other hand we sometime forget or know little about the second phase or aspect that is related to Christ as the Stone that is cut out without hands.  Have you ever considered that the second aspect is actually more important than the first aspect since Christ and his followers will turn the age and bring in a new kingdom, the millennial kingdom to restore all the nations?

 There are many references in the New Testament regarding the Stone. In the beginning we can see that Christ was rejected at the beginning of his human living on earth. But actually, when Christ came to the earth He became the cornerstone who joined both the Jews and the Gentiles into one spiritual house that will eventually become a corporate stone, cut out without hands to become a great mountain that fills the whole earth.

1Pe 2:4 tells us to come to Him, a living stone, rejected by men, but yet precious and chosen by God. Besides in verse five, we also, as living stones, are being built up into a spiritual house, a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices that are acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.  Furthermore 1Peter 2:6, 7 says, "Behold, I lay in Zion a chief cornerstone, elect, precious, and he who believes on Him will by no means be put to shame. Therefore, to you who believe, He is precious; but to those who are disobedient, the stone which the builders rejected has become the chief cornerstone,"

John the Baptist said in John: 3:30 "He must increase, but I must decrease.  Here we see a principle of the stone that is increasing, not relying upon ourselves to become someone or somebody but by simply allowing Christ to make Himself at home into our hearts.  Christ does increase day by day into all those who believe and are joined to him spiritually. He who is joined to the Lord is one Spirit.   Zechariah 2:11 also said that many nations shall be joined to the LORD in that day, and they shall become His people. And that he will dwell in their midst and then they will know that the God has sent Him to us.

Paul in Philippians 1:7, Hebrews 3:14 and 2 Peter 1:4 shows us that we should become partakers of the Grace of Christ and partakers of the Holy Spirit once we  have tasted the heavenly gift that is freely bestowed upon all who believe into Him and receive Him. We become partakers of the divine nature having escaped the corruption that is in the world.

The way to become His increase is by simply coming to him, by enjoying Him and becoming partakers of him as Grace and the Holy Spirit. It is in this way that He imparts His divine life and nature. The way this has been carried out is by the ministry from Paul and the teachings of the apostles. Paul planted and Apollo’s watered and God gave the increase or caused the growth. ( 1Corinthians 3:60). Today many born again believers, Christians are being perfected and like Paul and Apollos  continue to plant and water all those who believe so that the prophecy in the Book of Daniel may continue to be fulfilled. The stone that the builders, religious ones, rejected is becoming a corporate stone that joins all the true Christians or believers into one Stone that will become a great mountain and fulfill God’s heart desire in the near future. We should come to Him the living Stone and become partakers of him so that we can become the living stones, corporately expression that is joined to him.

In Colossi ans 4:11 Paul says “These are my only fellow workers for the kingdom of God; they have proved to be a comfort to me. We should let Christ dwell in our hearts by faith; that we, being rooted and grounded in love, (Ephesians 3:17-19) may be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth, length, depth, and height so that we may know the love of Christ, which passes knowledge, until we are filled with all the fullness of God and become the corporate stone that will end this age and usher in the new millennial kingdom.