God's intention in calling us is to have One corporate Body of believers, regenerated by the Spirit or anointing that unites all into a unique bond of peace. When I used to go to church meetings as a child I only knew Christ from the many paintings and portraits that clad the halls on the walls of buildings where my parents used to take me. We had no choice in the matter whether we wanted to go or not and simply learned some of the basic truths regarding the death and resurrection of Christ. These remained mere objective facts of some of the truths that are revealed in the first gospels. I never endeavored or learned the truths that unveil the whole truth or the full knowledge of the truth. It is God's will after all that we all should be saved and come to the full knowledge of the truth. It is like you stand in front of a judge when he or she asks to tell nothing but the whole truth. God desire is the same and he is the Judge of all. Recently I read in Henry Mathews writings that if a man commits an offence or sin against another human being, God can forgive him but if we commit a sin or an offence against God who else is there to forgive us or set us free?
It was not until later in life that I began to search for the full knowledge of the truth by reading the new testament or all the books of the new testament. By arriving in Canada someone gave me a new testament and i started to read it. It was not long after that I learned more regarding God and the anointing of Christ exponentially that brought me into a fuller knowledge upon having the subjective experience of the truth that is revealed in God's word.
I was the same like the apostle Paul who formerly was called Saul. Before his subjective experience of the anointing of Christ he only knew God as the objective truth as revealed in the old testament. He zealously defended this truth that was passed on to him from his forefathers until the anointing came to him on the way to Damascus as revealed in the book of Acts, chapter nine. When he met the Lord he said "who are thou" And the lord answered Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me?. He was actually persecuting the believers in Christ, the first Christians who were already living in the reality of the Body of Christ since the day of Pentecost when they had corporately entered into the reality of the Spirit of Christ after being immersed or baptized into the anointing or the Spirit.
This subjective knowledge of the truth or reality can only be experienced subjectively when we enter into such a relationship with the anointing of Christ. Not long after Saul's encounter he called on the name of the Lord and entered into the same reality and fellowship having a subjective knowledge of the truth that was worth more than all his former training and teaching he had received previously. Later in one of his epistles he counted everything as dung in comparison to the subjective experiences of Christ.
Today we also can enter into this reality by simply calling on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. When we call Lord Jesus... we enter into the fellowship of the Son or the fellowship of the Spirit, the anointing of Christ., First I merely received the objective truths about Jesus Christ and many teaching of the church. But later and once I called on his name I entered and was baptised or immersed into the reality of the Spirit of Jesus Christ. This truth about Christ being the anointing became subjective and now I also like the Corinthians endeavor to be diligent to keep the oneness of the Spirit in the uniting bond of peace, into one Body and one Spirit.
To live in this reality, the key is to walk according to the Spirit as Paul points out in the book of Romans. He said that if we live by the Spirit let us also walk according to the Spirit. When believers who are called have entered into such a fellowship they diligently maintain this oneness and God's desire is truly being fulfilled. The body of Christ is a corporate expression of the Spirit with the brothers and sisters who maintain and live in the reality of the oneness of the Spirit. Praise the lord that today we know the secret to maintain this oneness to have a corporate expression where the fullness of Christ is exhibited in whatever church or locality we are. The church, which is His Body, the fullness of the One who fills all in all. (Ephesians 2:16)