Thursday, June 21, 2012

Taking care of our conscience to enjoy the divine fellowship

Whenever we give the Lord the preeminence in our hearts we are submitting ourselves under His throne and dominion. In Genesis chapter one, God's intention was that we express Him and  have dominion over all the earth. Whenever we have a clear sky as the living creatures in the book of Ezekiel, we allow God's presence with His dominion to come within our hearts. With His presence we receive His authority and corporately move with Him according to His will wherever we are. It is only when God can find men and woman who maintain a clear sky before Him That He has a way to carry out His dominion upon the earth. We see a similar example with the Apostle Paul. He said in the book of Acts that he had a clear conscience  before God and man. Here we see a man of God who had a clear sky. A man  who  carried out God's commission upon the earth. It was so with all the apostles. They not only expressed the human and divine attributes of God such as love, meekness, patience, endurance but moreover His intention or dominion wherever they went.  Whenever two or three are gathered into His name or the reality thereof while having a clear conscience or clear sky, they can truly pray and ask for all things to be done according to His will on earth as in heaven.
I look forward to the days when small groups of Christians  raise up to pray to carry out God's authority and dominion upon the earth, just as it was in the days of the apostles.

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