Thursday, October 4, 2012

There is a prophecy in Joel 3:11 that says Hurry and come all you surrounding nations , and be gathered. There cause your mighty ones to descend O Jehovah.....We know that this refers to the end times when the Lord Jesus comes back to invite the overcomers, the mighty ones, His army to defeat the Anti Christ, a ruler who will come in Europe to set up his kingdom. These will also become the co-kings in the millennium.

 There are two wills in this universe God's will and man's will. Today there are many little kingdoms allover the earth and the reason so many nations are at war or fighting is that there is a difference of opinion amongst themselves having a will separate from God's will. The best way to know God's will is to read the Bible. In the Bible we align ourselves with Gods will and the end result will be that we will be saved, regenerated by receiving his life and nature, transformed and eventually conformed to the image of His Son who is the head of the Body of whom we are all members. 

Gradually we all become like minded. Romans 12:2 says to not be conformed to the pattern of this world but to be transformed by the renewing of our mind. Ever considered that when you read the bible you receive God's words that has been spoken to all mankind whereby we get renewed? God's will is to bring in His Kingdom and we enter in to it by being born of the Spirit and water, John 3: 4-6. The Lord is working as the Spirit into all those who have received Him and all those who have been raised with Him in His resurrection according to the scriptures. 1Peter 1:3 says that Christ according to His great mercy has regenerated us unto a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the death.We all were born naturally and were dead spiritually, but now we have the fact that through the resurrection of Christ from the death we have been regenerated unto a living hope. The resurrection Life of Christ is available to all mankind who believes and will receives him as the life giving Spirit into their spirit.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Called into the fellowship of His Son

In 1 Corinthians 1:9 we see that some were called into the fellowship of His Son, Jesus Christ.To be called into such Fellowship or union with God trough His Son is only the first step. Paul, a co-worker who also had entered into such fellowship, encouraged the believers in Ephesians 4:3-4 to keep the oneness of the Spirit. Many people are called and enter into a union with the anointing of the Spirit of Christ. But Paul goes on to say to be diligent to keep this oneness in the uniting bond of peace into one Body and one Spirit.

 God's intention in calling us is to have One corporate Body of believers, regenerated by the Spirit or anointing that unites  all into a unique bond of peace. When I used to go to church meetings as a child I only knew Christ from the many paintings and portraits that clad the halls on the walls of buildings where my parents used to take me. We had no choice in the matter whether we wanted to go or not and simply learned some of the basic truths regarding the death and resurrection of Christ. These remained mere  objective facts of some of the truths that are revealed in the first gospels. I never endeavored or learned the truths that unveil the whole truth or the full knowledge of the truth. It is God's will after all that we all should be saved and come to the full knowledge of the truth.  It is like you stand in front of a judge when he or she asks to tell nothing but the whole truth. God desire is the same and he is the Judge of all. Recently I read in Henry Mathews writings that if  a man commits an offence or sin against another human being, God can forgive him but if we commit a sin or an offence against God who else is there to forgive us or set us free?

It was not until later in life that I began to search for the full knowledge of the truth by reading the new testament or all the books of the new testament. By arriving in Canada someone gave me a new testament and i started to read it. It was not long after that  I learned more regarding God and the anointing of Christ exponentially that brought me into a fuller knowledge upon having the subjective experience of the truth that is revealed in God's word.

 I was the same like the apostle Paul who formerly was called Saul. Before his subjective experience of the anointing of Christ he only knew God as the objective truth as revealed in the old testament. He zealously defended this truth that was passed on to him from his forefathers until the anointing came to him on the way to Damascus as revealed in the book of Acts, chapter nine.  When he met the Lord he said "who are thou" And the lord answered Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me?. He was actually persecuting the believers in Christ, the first Christians who were already living in the reality of the Body of Christ since the day of Pentecost when they had corporately entered into the reality of the Spirit of Christ after being immersed or baptized into the anointing or the Spirit.

 This subjective knowledge of the truth or reality  can only be experienced subjectively when we enter into such a relationship with the anointing of Christ. Not long after Saul's encounter he called on the name of the Lord and entered into the same reality and fellowship having a subjective knowledge of the truth that was worth more than all his former training and teaching he had received previously. Later in one of his epistles he counted everything as dung in comparison to the subjective experiences of Christ.

Today we also can enter into this reality by simply calling on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. When we call Lord Jesus... we enter  into the fellowship of the Son or the fellowship of the Spirit, the anointing of Christ., First I merely received the objective truths about Jesus Christ and many teaching of the church.  But later and once I called on his name I entered and was baptised or immersed into the reality of the Spirit of Jesus Christ.  This truth about Christ being the anointing became subjective and now I also like the Corinthians endeavor to be diligent to keep the oneness of the Spirit in the uniting bond of peace, into one Body and one Spirit.

To live in this reality, the key is to walk according to the Spirit as Paul points out in the book of Romans. He said that if we live by the Spirit let us also walk according to the Spirit. When believers who are called have entered into such a fellowship they diligently maintain this oneness and God's desire is truly being fulfilled. The body of Christ is a corporate expression of the Spirit with the brothers and sisters who maintain and live in the reality of the oneness of the Spirit.  Praise the lord that today we know the secret to maintain this oneness to have a corporate expression where the fullness of Christ is exhibited in whatever church or locality we are. The church, which is His Body, the fullness of the One who fills all in all. (Ephesians 2:16)

Friday, June 22, 2012

The Joy of the Lord is my strength

A coworker said that he was impressed with some famous people and a movie stars demeanor when they got up in the morning at the hotel he worked. One star mentioned that he did not want anyone to come near him while he was trying to find himself that morning. He insisted to forget about all the attention, admirers, things that needed to be done or the hustle and bustle to come. He said that inspired him also. I reflected upon my experience and mentioned that I have a similar beginning each day but only by coming into the Lord's presence upon getting into his word.

In John 1:1 it shows us that in the beginning was the word and the word is with God and the word is God . The scriptures also tell us that God is Spirit and that God is embodied in His word. When I read His word and take it in, I receive the Spirit of Life that is embodied in His word. The word is also  truth, reality, not just the knowledge  that we acquire but the reality of the words we believe in. This is the infusing of the essence of God that we call Faith.

Before hitting the  highway and hustle and  bustle of my days I experience the reality, peace, joy in the Holy Spirit. Every day, I experience a renewing, a renewing of my spirit, soul and body. This reality of the Spirit in His word becomes my joy and strength. The Joy of the Lord is my strength daily and I Praise the Lord that the truth or reality of Christ as the anointing Spirit refreshes me daily. Whenever I spend some time before going about my day in the reading of His word my faith is renewed. It simply comes by the hearing of the word of God!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Taking care of our conscience to enjoy the divine fellowship

Whenever we give the Lord the preeminence in our hearts we are submitting ourselves under His throne and dominion. In Genesis chapter one, God's intention was that we express Him and  have dominion over all the earth. Whenever we have a clear sky as the living creatures in the book of Ezekiel, we allow God's presence with His dominion to come within our hearts. With His presence we receive His authority and corporately move with Him according to His will wherever we are. It is only when God can find men and woman who maintain a clear sky before Him That He has a way to carry out His dominion upon the earth. We see a similar example with the Apostle Paul. He said in the book of Acts that he had a clear conscience  before God and man. Here we see a man of God who had a clear sky. A man  who  carried out God's commission upon the earth. It was so with all the apostles. They not only expressed the human and divine attributes of God such as love, meekness, patience, endurance but moreover His intention or dominion wherever they went.  Whenever two or three are gathered into His name or the reality thereof while having a clear conscience or clear sky, they can truly pray and ask for all things to be done according to His will on earth as in heaven.
I look forward to the days when small groups of Christians  raise up to pray to carry out God's authority and dominion upon the earth, just as it was in the days of the apostles.

Oh Lord Jesus.....

The scriptures say that no one can say Lord Jesus except by the Holy Spirit.(1Corinthians 12:3) When we say Lord Jesus we acknowledge Him as the Lord in our hearts and enthrone him in our lives. When we say," Lord Jesus" we give Him that very instance the preeminence in our lives. In the book of Corinthians, 1:2,  the believers called upon the name of the Lord everywhere... So why not call upon the name of the Lord today?. Romans 10:13 says that whosoever calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved!...Every day when I call, " Oh Lord Jesus"... I experience the joy of His salvation.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Live by the Spirit, walk by the Spirit

We were asking ourselves today what it means to live by the Spirit. The Apostle Paul said if you live by the Spirit let us also walk by the Spirit in chapter 8 of Romans.
To live by the Spirit is to life live a life that is fully dependent on and regulated by the Spirit, not by  law. Many people including ourselves live many times according to our culture, different laws according to the culture and religion we are raised in. Any culture and any religion is constituted with law or regulation and once we learn them and practice them  it is easy to live by them  according to what we think or conceive to be right in our own eyes. Most human beings are like that all over the earth and they do not know any other way except what their parents taught them according to the laws and regulations of the culture and religion they lived in. The issue is that many religions, traditions, and cultural differences causing much hardship, suffering, struggling and pain.

Therefore we must come to the Spirit and heed the anointing Spirit every day. When we call “Oh Lord Jesus” we touch the Spirit, we touch life and peace in our spirit. This peace of Christ or the anointing is the Spirit that regulates us in all things. Those who are born of the Spirit, have the Spirit or the anointing of Christ. Second we should allow the peace of Christ to arbitrate in our hearts regardless of the regulations and laws that are ingrained in our being according to the culture and traditions we are raised up in. When we set the mind on the Spirit and put to death all these practices we live in the Spirit. This week I was going to write something regarding the Gospel which is a good thing, but the Spirit gave me the feeling not to. A deadening feeling came in; As soon as I set or turned my mind to follow the Spirit and depended on the regulation by the Spirit I sensed life again and continued to live by the Spirit. Romans 8:13 says if you live according to the flesh, we must die, but if by the Spirit you put to death the practices of the body, you will live.  Day by day the Spirit is regulating our inner being and if we are willing to mind the Spirit and become dependent on the Spirit for all aspects in our daily living we shall live by the Spirit and continue to abide in the presence of the Lord all day. Praise the Lord!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Another beautiful day in paradise....

Many times I hear people say, "Another beautiful day in Paradise".  People think that paradise is a physical realm that we enjoy and where we have our being.  When we look around us today and more so when we look at the world as a whole, most of us will agree that there is not  much hope for a place that we can call paradise. Although we may have reached a pinnacle in our personal or professional  live there is much more to consider before we can enter into such a reality.

 In Luke 23:43 it tell us that there is such a place, a place where we will enter once we die, just as the person who died beside Jesus on the cross. But we should not wait until we die, rather in 2Corinthians 12:4  Paul pointed out that one person he knew entered into such a realm, even when he was alive.

Furthermore in the book of Revelation  we see the overcomers in the churches, which have been and still are and exist today. Those who partake of the tree of life in the midst of the paradise of God. Praise the Lord for the churches where we can partake of the tree of Life in the midst of the paradise of God, today!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Praise The Lord.....

Praise The Lord!

In Psalms 119:164 David said, "Seven times a day I praise you for Your righteous ordinances". We were talking about this over lunch and we realize that beside praying three times a day we should learn to Praise the Lord  for the things He gives us, the things  He has accomplished and is doing allover the earth and who He really is. These things are hidden in the Word or the scriptures. They also are referred to as ordinances or the law. Although we are not under the law any longer but Grace we still treasure them, for by getting into them we receive the riches of Christ as the Spirit and Life to sustain us in our daily lives and living.

One day a brother asked me, why do you say, "Praise the Lord", all the time?. It was an older brother who seemingly had lost the joy of the Lord or at that particular time was not enjoying the presence of the Lord. He was busy doing many things for the Lord through service, yet without joy. I was surprised to hear him say that. I was a young brother at the time, newly saved and enjoying the refreshing seasons of the Lord in my daily life. Every day the freshness of the Lord is so real when we come to Him by partaking of the riches in His word. I am enjoying His presence each time I open the scriptures and muse upon the words that He has spoken. The Words He spoke are Spirit and Life and whenever we come to the Word, we come to Him. The epistle of John shows us that in the beginning was the Word and the Word was God and is God. He also said that He is the bread of life and if we eat Him we shall live by Him. Furthermore the scriptures are Gods breath and whenever we take it in we are  breathing in God's life and nature. Praise the Lord that the Lord is so available and that we can enjoy Him as such a reality day by day.

Besides partaking of the riches of Christ in such a simple way daily, we can also enjoy Christ during the many feasts with plenty of food during the big meetings with the Saints.  Many a times I have seen cases of Saints who are serving the Lord yet without joy or the presence of the Lord. They can  hardly open their mouth to praise the Lord.  Nevertheless upon personally getting back into the Word and daily feeding on the living word from the scriptures at home or in the meetings, they eventually all come back to serve, express and share the riches of Christ with joy in our midst. Praise The Lord!